Service Delivery


Small Title

Big Title

  • To improve the quality of teaching and learning so that all learners are successful.
  • To undertake regular planned assessment to measure learner progress and to use the information as a basis for decisions about teaching strategies.
  • To actively promote a holistic education for every learner by incorporating extra- and co-curricular activities.
  • To develop confident learners through structured programmes.
  • To develop reading and comprehension skills.
  • To develop creative writing skills.
  • To develop computation and problem-solving skills.
  • To increase awareness of the world.
  • To build character in our learners.
  • To adopt positive behaviour modification strategies to address disciplinary problems.
  • To communicate effectively with stakeholders.
  • To integrate technology through the curriculum.

Al Ghazali College strives to ensure that effective management is planned, organised, executed and monitored to provide for a comprehensive education for all learners.

In this regard Al Ghazali College will:

  • Establish a clear and shared focus regarding academic, cultural and sporting achievements.
  • Provide effective teaching through.
  • Proper lesson planning where the curriculum, instruction and assessments are aligned to the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).
  • The creation of a positive atmosphere in the classroom and the school.
  • Expert subject and content knowledge.
  • Managing and monitoring learner achievement.
  • Timeous feedback to learners (classwork marking and the marking of assessment tasks).
  • Ensure effective and efficient management by providing.
  • Leadership opportunities through programmes, talks, activities, etc.
  • High levels of collaboration and communication.
  • Ensure professional and ethical conduct by all our teachers, support staff and managers.
  • Ensure adequate measures are in place for the safety and security of teachers, learners and support staff members

We undertake to liaise with our parents on the level and quality of services provided.

In this regard we will:

  • Dialogue with our parents through parent meetings, parent consultations and conferences.
  • Ensure two way communication that is regular and clear.
  • Build partnerships to promote the well-being of learners.
  • Use multiple means for communicating with stakeholders through newsletters, SMS, e-mails, etc.

The School stakeholders include learners, parents, visitors, teachers, support staff and the general community that Al Ghazali College will serve. The manner in which we treat each other will have an effect on the success of the school.

Therefore, everyone has a responsibility to create and maintain a friendly, informative and supportive school environment.

  • Good office etiquette demands that we are respectful, polite and treat each other with dignity.
  • Greet anyone entering the office area, introduce yourself and offer them assistance.
  • Learners, parents, teachers, support staff, and board members should always feel welcome.
  • Al Ghazali College employees should actively listen to their stakeholders to determine how to direct or assist them with their questions or concerns.
  • Always answer all questions in a professional and courteous manner.
  • The relationship between the staff in an office, and within the school should always be one of mutual respect and concern.
  • A cooperative team approach can meet the challenges of the day instead of handling emergencies and priorities individually.

Effective communication is the responsibility of everyone where, on an individual level we:

  • Communicate clearly, and listen effectively.
  • Share information that is understood and placed in context.
  • Answer questions and concerns with positive and precise information.

Once the transaction has been completed the stakeholder leaves with a positive image of the School.

Al Ghazali College recognizes that openness, accountability and transparency are the cornerstones of our democracy.

In this regard we undertake to:

  • Maintain positive relationships amongst all stakeholders (staff, board members, parents, learners and the community). This relationship is based on trust, openness, accountability and transparency. All stakeholders systematically monitor the school’s progress toward meeting agreed targets. Information about what is going well and why, and what is not going well and why, is shared. This approach contributes to robust planning for improvement.
  • Provide high quality, accurate and concise information to the Board of Governors which keeps them well informed and knowledgeable on learner achievement. This information is made accessible by being presented in a wide variety of formats, including charts and graphs.
  • Support honest, insightful self-evaluation, recognising problems and taking steps to address them.
  • Provide clarity on the roles and responsibilities of the Principal, Head of Department, teachers and support staff. Protocols, specific duties and terms of reference are made explicit in written documents.

Al Ghazali College shall endeavour to assess the impact of its service delivery quarterly to ascertain whether it is achieving its objectives.

In this regard Al Ghazali College will:

  • Evaluate the performance of learners and provide effective support and help through structured remedial programmes.
  • Conduct client satisfaction surveys.
  • Appraise the quality of teaching rendered from time to time.

The teaching staff plays a pivotal role by committing to excellence.

Therefore, the School will recognise and reward both teachers and learners who show loyalty, commitment and dedication, as well as those who innovate and present new ideas to improve lesson delivery.

Al Ghazali College undertakes to provide service of a high quality.

In this regard we will:

  • Attend to all queries promptly.
  • Answer the telephone promptly.
  • Process applications within the closing dates.
  • Acknowledge written complaints within 5 days.

Al Ghazali College respects the right of parents and learners to complain if services are poor or unsatisfactory.

In this regard; the school shall undertake to:

  • Resolve queries/problems through informal means wherever possible.
  • Be impartial.
  • Allow swift handling with established time-limits for action and keeping people informed of the progress.
  • Ensure a full and fair investigation by an independent person.
  • Respect people’s desire for confidentiality.
  • Address all the points at issue and provide an effective response and appropriate redress, where necessary.
  • Take corrective measures.

When our stakeholders telephone us, we will:

  • Answer calls as promptly as possible.
  • Identify ourselves by name.
  • Assist in a polite and helpful manner.
  • If the stakeholder cannot be helped, he/she will be referred to the appropriate person within Al Ghazali College.

Ready to enrol or want more info?

Submit an application online or get in touch with us and we’ll assist.